Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Ide Lane, Alphington, Exeter, Devon, EX2 8UP

Tel: 01392 428900

Contact Details


COVID-19 Protections are still in place at Ide Lane Surgery

In line with current Government guidance patients are required to continue to wear a face covering in all healthcare settings.  Face coverings primarily protect others, so doing so, unless exempt - is key to preventing the spread of infection.

  • Please wear a face covering
  • Continue to respect (2m) social distancing
  • Wash/ sanitise your hands regularly
  • Test and isolate if you have any symptoms -  if you have symptoms you must get a PCR test as soon as possible and before visiting the surgery, Rapid Flow Tests should not be used to confirm infection. It is vital that you and anyone in your household isolate until you receive your test result, and for 10 days thereafter if the result is positive.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

COVID-19 current NHS England guidance for general practice is that ALL patients should be triaged remotely and that an online consultation system should be in place to support this.


Please do not come to the surgery unless you have been asked to a member of the practice team  - all patients seeking medical attention are being triaged remotely.

We are asking all patients who feel they need medical care to first use our eConsult service 

This system will ask you in detail about your problem and support us to safely prioritise our work and provide you with efficient care. In most cases we will respond with a phone call from a GP and where possible this will be your own GP. We also have facilities for video consultation or SMS response and if a face to face examination is essential we will arrange one.

In an effort to help protect the health of staff and patients we are asking ALL patients to wear face protection, covering your mouth and nose when entering the practice. This is after recent government guidance encouraging people to wear face protection in public places. 

If you need to order your repeat medication the easiest way to do this is by setting up an Online Account.  Your Doctor’s secretary or one of our Reception Team can help with this over the phone.

Our busiest time is Mondays. You can help us to manage our workload by avoiding completing eConsults for non-urgent problems at the weekend or on Mondays


For the latest information and advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) check online for:

NHS advice on the Wuhan Novel Coronvirus

Government advice on the Wuhan Novel Coronvirus

If you are concerned that you may have Coronavirus, or may have come into contact with someone who has, the NHS 111 online service has created Coronavirus pages that tell what you should do based on your particular circumstances.  Please do not visit the surgery until you have contacted NHS 111.

If you have a clinical question or concern please use the eConsult e-consultation Service - Click the link below for online advice and treatment within 1 working day

econsult service


Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination status for travelling abroad

You can get your COVID-19 vaccination status if all the following apply:

  • you've had 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
  • you were vaccinated at a GP surgery, vaccination centre or hospital in England
  • you're aged 16 or older

You can get a digital or paper version - to find out more click here 


COVID-19 Vaccinations

NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme update

We will not be providing a vaccination service for people aged 18 to 49 when they become eligible. If you are in this cohort, you will be able to get your vaccination at other local vaccination services including hospital hubs, community pharmacies and larger vaccination centres. We ask our patients to wait until they are contacted by the National Booking Service so they can book an appointment at a site closest to them.

If you have any questions or conderns relating to the COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting please read the leaflet linked below from Public Health England:

Information and Guidance relating to the COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting.

Please do continue to adhere to the Hands, Face, Space measures that are helping us limit the transmission of the virus.

Atsra Zeneca COVID-19 - information sheet

Thank you.


Join a COVID-19 clinical trial

The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find treatments that reduce hospital admission and improve symptoms for people with COVID-19. You could be eligible to join if

  • You have had these symptoms for fewer than 15 days
  • New continuous cough or high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell
  • OR have a positive test for SARS-Co-V2 infection with COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
  • You are aged 50 to 64 with a pre-existing illness or
  • You are aged 65 and above

Find out more at the PRINCIPLE Trial website or see our Research page for details.

Also see this Help the fight against COVID19 poster