Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Ide Lane, Alphington, Exeter, Devon, EX2 8UP

Tel: 01392 428900

Contact Details



Are you a carer?

The Friends of Ide Lane Surgery are setting up a Carers group in your local community. The first group " Caring for You " will meet at  Alphington Village Hall on Monday 13th September

2.00pm - 3.00pm  (every 2nd Monday in the month thereafter)  All ages welcome 

Meeting in a group is a great way to talk to other carers, as well as an opportunity to focus on your own health and wellbeing.  For further information please contact us on 07708233660


Who are we?

Friends of Ide Lane Surgery are a registered charity (no. 1050108) which exists for the patients of Ide Lane Surgery. Our aim is to back up the skilled care given by the doctors and nurses with extra care and support when needed. We use local volunteers, offer them training and assess them carefully for each task. The Co-ordinator supervises and supports the volunteers.


What do we offer?

  • Transport to and from health appointments e.g. Ide Lane surgery, hospital, dentist or optician, podiatry if you find getting there difficult due to age, disability or other special circumstances. 
  • Befriending: we can organise visits at home for those who are lonely, need someone to talk to, or isolated.
  • Signposting: we offer information about services to carers or anyone requiring information to support their independence.
  • Sitting service: we provide volunteers who would be able to sit with people to give a carer a break.


COVID-19 Pandemic Transport Contact Numbers (Word document)


Can we help you?

If you would like the support of any of the services above please contact us by telephoning: 07708233660 or tick the box on the Friends of Ide Lane Surgery leaflet available at the practice and hand it in to reception.   

Messages left on this number are being monitored remotely while we are in the process of recruiting a Co-ordinator.


Can you help us?

Volunteers are always needed. Could you help us to deliver any of the services outlined above? We take up references and offer training and support. For more information please contact Sara Davies by telephoning  07708233660 .

Any patient of Ide Lane Surgery can support us by becoming a member of Friends of Ide Lane Surgery for a small yearly charge.

We hold several fundraisers every year, such as an Autumn fayre, book sales and coffee mornings. We do welcome help at any of these events.

If you are happy to be part of this group please contact us by telephoning: 07708233660


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