NHS App Out of Hours News

Ide Lane, Alphington, Exeter, Devon, EX2 8UP

Tel: 01392 428900

Contact Details


PPGs are made up of patients from the surgery who have an interest in healthcare, both personal and as representatives of others, for example Carers. They work closely with their practice to ensure local needs are met and patient views taken into account. Membership is entirely voluntary.

At Ide Lane we are very keen to enhance our existing PPG to ensure that we have the patient voice at the centre of any decisions we make.

It is also a great opportunity to get involved and provide ongoing dialogue with the practice from a patient point of view. Much of the involvement will be via e-mail or newsletter although there will be occasional face-to-face meetings.

Please see this document which describes the Ide Lane PPG.

if you are interested in joining our PPG Please complete this form and return it to the Surgery Reception 

Click here to download Ide Lane Surgery - PPG Sign-up form

Details of the next PPG meeting - To be confirmed.