Ide Lane Vision Statement
Our Vision
To be a compassionate team
- Considerate
- Supportive
- Working to care for you
- Communicating
Working to Enhance our Service
- Adapting to improve what we do
- Embracing helpful technology
- Creating a sustainable practice
And Promote continuity of care
- Knowing your care team
- Building trust
- The Best care for you
Do You, or someone you know need free IT support?
Please see this information leaflet from Exeter City Council for details.
General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GDPR)
NHS Digital's has now put this project on hold.
Women’s Health Clinic
We are now offering a regular Women’s Health Clinic.
Services offered include:
- Fitting, removal and replacement of coil - Copper IUD and Mirena/IUS
- Fitting, removal and renewal of contraceptive implant – Nexplanon
- Fitting of ring pessaries
The doctor is also happy to discuss any issues around the menopause, contraception and anything else relating to women's health eg fertility, PCOS etc
To access the clinic please submit an e-consult
Find my NHS number
A new service is now live to help find people find their NHS number. This service is for anyone living in England who has forgotten or does not know their NHS number. This service can also be used on behalf of someone else where the name, date of birth and registered home postcode is known. You can opt for the number to be sent to you by text, email or letter.
Visit the Find an NHS Number page
Alphington Digital Inclusion Project
This project aims to support and enable people in the community to become more confident with using their laptop/tablet/smart phone. Further information about the Alphington Digital Inclusion Project (Word Document).
Exeter General Practice Access for weekends and evenings
Patients in Exeter can now see a GP or a nurse 7 days a week as Exeter Practices join forces to provide increased cover at weekends and weekday evenings. Participating practices across the City now open on a rota basis on a Saturday and Sunday (9.00 am – 5.00 pm) and weekday evenings (Monday-Thursday) between 6.30pm and 8.00 pm. Early morning cover between 7.00am and 8.00am is being trialled on Friday mornings.
Online booking of appointments
Patients can book appointments with their own GP up to 6 weeks into the future. Only one appointment will be bookable. If you have any difficulty or questions please contact the surgery through the usual channels. See our Online booking page.
Change to travel vaccination policy
Details of the changes to the travel vaccination policy
Protecting The NHS For The Future
To help to protect the NHS for everyone, Ide Lane Surgery are supporting an initiative to help avoid unnecessary attendances at Accident and Emergency. A&E are set up to manage emergencies well, whereas General Practice is far better suited to the management of non-emergencies. Patients attending Accident and Emergency unnecessarily can put the health of critically ill patients at risk, while receiving less suitable management of their own problems. In addition, the extra cost takes resources away from other services.
Anxiety and Depression Study
Are you...
- Aged 16+?
- Living in the UK?
- Experiencing clinical levels of depression and/or anxiety, or have experienced these in the past?
If so, Glad Study are looking for patients to take part in a study. also see the Glad Study Poster.
Don't let Hay Fever ruin your day
Get your Hay Fever medicines from your local Pharmacy at low cost.
National Diabetes Audit
See how your information is used to help improve diabetes
On-line Appointments and Prescriptions and viewing your Medical Record
You can now book your appointment, order your repeat prescription and view your medical record online using our online patient service. Available 24 hours a day, it's especially useful when the practice is closed or telephone lines are busy.
In order to use online repeat prescription requests you will require a username and password. This can be requested by telephoning your doctor's secretary on 01392 439868.
Appointments for vaccinations, injections, dressings, blood tests and long term condition reviews are with the practice nurses. Please contact the surgery by telephone and we will make sure you see the appropriate clinician for your needs.
Visit systmonline to order a repeat prescription, book an appointment or view your medical record.
If you need medical attention
'Choose' Well by choosing the right service. The short video below is all about Choosing the Right Service.